I've been reading the book The Automatic Millionaire. I have no interest in being a millionaire, but I like to read personal finance books. The premise of this book is to have your investments taken automatically out of your paycheck or bank account and over time (along with other good money management techniques) you will be able to retire early. Most of the information in the book I've read in other books. It's a worthwhile read, but I wouldn't buy it--get it at the library.

1 comment:

Betsy Rheaume said...

I'm definitely not wealthy! I try to live a Christian life and do not want for a lot of material goods. That's not to mean that I don't buy things, I just don't spend more than I earn. Plus, I don't want to be a wage slave, I've got better things to do. Hope that answers your questions. Check out the Simple Living link on the side bar.